Saturday, July 31, 2010

she's a natural

One of my greatest passions in life is creating beautiful things (well beautiful to me, that is). Another passion are accessories. My little sis once told me, that I can never get out of the house without any form of fashion accessory on. Could be true. As I always feel bare without any.

I don't like piling on too much though. I somewhat know when it's too much or too little. I only like statement pieces. And as of late, I am into statement necklaces. 

I have a box of beads, trinkets, ribbons, stones, and stuff I use for jewelry making. I have no formal training whatsoever. I just go with the flow and do whatever fancies me. 

And every single time I bring out this box, one little person is happiest in the house

I know you might think it's not safe as she might swallow the beads and stones, but fear not. This little budding artist of mine can tell the difference between food and what's not.

She's a natural. She just instantly slips those bangle looking bamboo rings right to her wrist.

What we have created that day. It's a special order from a good friend. I hope she likes it.

It's nice to turn my passion into a little enterprising act and involving my precious little one in the process. She is, after all, my greatest source of inspiration.

Happy weekend everyone!

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